A Million Billion Pieces
A Million Billion pieces premiered at Toronto’s Young People’s Theatre in November 2019. With music by Gareth Williams and direction by Philip Akin, the premiere featured Kate Martin, Aldrin Bundoc, Jonelle Sills, and Simon Gagnon.
The premiere was nominated for five Dora Mavor Moore Awards in the Theatre for Young Audiences Division (Outstanding Production, Outstanding New Play, Outstanding Director, Outstanding Ensemble, Outstanding Projection Design).
When a touch could be a lifeline – or lethal – two 16-year-olds dare to tempt fate. Pria and Theo are isolated by a rare disease that could prove deadly if they make contact. Craving connection, they progress from flirty DMs to a precarious encounter, each with their own reason to test what it is to live – and love – like other people.
The play was published by Playwrights Canada Press in spring 2022.
WET is an award winning In-Yer-Face play set during the height of Canada’s involvement in the Afghanistan War. A soldier returns home from active duty abandoned by her county. She’s broken. Her husband thinks he can fix her. She can no longer be a mother. He becomes her caregiver. She wants to disappear. He wants his wife back. Their basement suite becomes a prison. A former war comrade shows up to make things better. He doesn’t.
Winner of the Herman Voaden National Playwriting Competition, WET is a provocative examination of poverty, mental illness and the military industrial complex. It was presented in May 2018 in Vancouver through ITSAZOO’s trademark immersive style (WET unfolded mere inches from intimately-sized audiences of 28 people per show).
Nominated for three 2019 Jessie Awards: Itsazoo Productions (Outstanding Production – Play – Small Theatre); Genevieve Fleming (Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Lead Role – Small Theatre); Jennifer Stewart (Outstanding Set Design – Small Theatre)
To purchase a copy of the Wet script, visit the Playwrights Guild of Canada - Canadian Play Outlet Page here.
Centre of the Universe
Image design by Mathew Borrett
In July 2014, David James Brock returned to the Toronto Fringe Festival with a new, site-specific play at The Labyrinth Lounge. Theatre Lab presented Centre of the Universe written by David James Brock and directed by Omar Hady. The morning after a catastrophic event in downtown Toronto, five people who are trapped inside a bar contemplate the end of the world and the city they once knew.
The premiere featured Alexis Hancey, Michael Orlando, Mark Paci, Lea Russell, and Amy Marie Wallace
"Centre of the Universe prompts you to ponder how you would react if faced with your ultimate demise.” - Mooney on Theatre
"Centre of The Universe…is a gripping telling of the post-internet apocalypse. It builds steadily to its genuinely frightening and shocking climax…” - My Entertainment World
Snow Bride
No one shows up for Helena’s bachelorette party, so she invites the only friend she has left: cocaine. Alone on the night before her wedding, she reflects on her past and toasts to a new life. She wants to be different after tomorrow. Helena hopes for an intervention, but maybe it’s too late.
Production History
2014 at the Box Toronto. Director: Paul Hutcheson.
2007 Winnipeg Fringe Festival. Director: Christie Little.
2007 London Fringe Festival. Director: Christie Little.
2005 Firehall Theatre Spring Arts Fair (Vancouver BC). Director: Christie Little.
2005 Uno Festival of Solo Performance (Victoria BC). Director: Christie Little.
Wet (2010 Fringe Version)
She goes to war, and he stays home. When she returns with an injury, she can’t be touched. She won’t be touched. If he could just touch her. But she is dry, and he is wet. Unannounced, Captain Tom Fitzgerald arrives. Tom once saved her life but now disrupts it. Tom has PTSD. Tom loves porn. And Tom loves war.
Winner of the 2011 Herman Voaden National Playwriting Award
Production History
2010 Toronto Fringe Festival (WORKhouse Theatre). Director: John Jack Paterson.
“Wet shows David Brock is a playwright of great promise with a real gift for writing punchy, naturalistic dialogue and tense scenes of confrontation. ”
“Wet is a nasty play. It is also a brilliant play.”
Read full reviews on the Press page.
Ambassador Bridge
A woman sits in a run-down Detroit graveyard and contemplates moving her late husbands bones across the border to Windsor, where it all seems a little bit safer.
A monologue from Ambassador Bridge won The Malahat Review UVic Alumini award.
Production History
2009 Festival of Creation and New Ideas (Canadian Stage). Director: Philip Akin. Toronto ON.
2006 Victoria Fringe Festival (BumbleBee Theatre Collective). Director: Christie Little. Victoria BC.
The Perfect Hands of the Irresistible Ed
Based on the first baseball player’s strike in 1912, this play tells the story of the replacement players who filled in for the striking Detroit Tigers, who protested Ty Cobb’s suspension.
Special Merit Winner in Theatre BC’s 2004 National Playwriting Competition
Production History
2006 Theatre One’s Emerging Voices Festival. Director: Robb Mowbray. Nanaimo BC.
The Lycanthrope and the Leprechaun
In order for a Doctor to gain access to a patient who believes that he is a werewolf, a Doctor must appear as a leprechaun.
Winner of four 2005 Vancouver Island One Act Play Awards: Best Production, Best Script, Best Director and Best Actor.
Production History
2005 Fernwood Community Centre. Victoria BC.
2005 Vancouver Island One Act Play Festival. Qualicum Beach BC.