Kisser appears in Fantasy Magazine
February’s had a few little announcements, and one I’m really excited about is the inclusion of my first published story in maybe over a decade in Fantasy Magazine. The story is called Kisser and it has already been reviewed as “A very strange story about a man losing teeth in a very mysterious fashion,” on very strange blog called Quick Sip Reviews, but that’s pretty much what it’s about. A man loses his teeth one by one.
Fantasy Magazine returned in November 2020 after a four year hiatus and their editorial team has been really cool to me in the lead up to publication, including interviewing me for the story for an author spotlight where I mostly talk about Kisser and pandemic writing. From the interview with novelist Veronica Henry:
I wasn’t really working on this story all that time so much as I remembered it in late March 2020. It was early lockdown, my brain was all over the place, and I couldn’t really read, let alone write anything. So I started visiting older work to take the pressure off of having something new or profound to say about the present we’re all going through. The process of looking at old writing put me in touch with a more innocent creative and personal self. Insomuch as I can claim I’m coping with the state of the world, I found this process helped the early fumbling around with living in a pandemic, and in a month, I ended up rewriting two old plays and one old story. That story was “Kisser.”
They’ve also recorded Kisser for the Fantasy Magazine podcast with story narrated by Stefan Rudnicki, voiceover artist for so many Sci-Fi and Fantasy audiobook recordings.
It’s not my voice! It’s a good voice.
Thanks for reading.