Year of the Horse Act Four Released
Year of the Horse, act four is now out! This wraps up the story of Perceval on album form. Right now, the entire album is up on Bandcamp, and this past week, Fucked Up made the vinyl and CD versions available for pre-order through their website.
The Year of the Horse whose Name was Perceval
This has been one of the coolest projects I’ve been a part of. Based on the screenplay I co-wrote with Fucked Up’s Mike Haliechuk over a period of two years, I’ve been loving the feedback the story’s been getting in conjunction with some really stunning music.
From the Exclaim Magazine review:
The story, crafted by Fucked Up's Mike Haliechuk (who also wrote the lyrics), in collaboration with playwright David James Brock, carries an aesthetic that blends together Western and fantasy archetypes to create a text that feels like a crossover between Red Dead Redemption and Dungeons & Dragons.
Access the whole thing on Bandcamp. Buy it on the Fucked Up merch table. And of course, read the full libretto and artwork here.
Sheriff King, disgraced law man (Original illustration by Nadia C Tan)